If you could call up your dentist and ask for just a few pointers to guide your oral care routine, here are 7 things they would likely tell you:
1: Brushing your teeth twice a day: A Necessary and Vital Chore
At the end of a long day, you are more than likely to go to bed without brushing your teeth. You often find it a chore, rather than something that is good for you. On the contrary, brushing your teeth at night is very important. Plaque and bacteria continuously grow on your teeth and in your mouth. Even skipping just one brushing can create a huge buildup, making you more susceptible to diseases and an unhealthy mouth.
2. Consider Different Types of Toothpaste and Mouthwash
In your busy life, you are most likely to just grab any brand of toothpaste and mouthwash without stopping to see the different types offered. The amount and type of fluoride within a toothpaste matters because everyone has a unique mouth and set of teeth. It takes particular products to properly cater to these unique situations. Because of this, make sure to see what different toothpastes and mouthwashes offer.
You can usually save money by switching to a generic/store brand of toothpaste or mouthwash––most products on the market contain the same amount of fluoride. If you’d like to whiten your teeth, choose a product with whitening components––provided you don’t have sensitive teeth! If you are looking for a deeper clean, look for a mouthwash that has a stronger bacteria killing agent. There are a variety of oral care products that tackle different issues, so take a look at what’s available instead of settling for what you’re comfortable with.
3. Flossing: The Right and Wrong Way
Flossing is a vital part in cleaning your teeth. Flossing allows you to clean whatever food remnants are left after you brush your teeth. Leftover food is the culprit of tooth decay and disease. You want to make sure you have clean teeth all the way around. However, if you floss too much or too hard, you can really hurt your gums. Flossing should not lead to bleeding or irritated gums unless you are just getting started with a new flossing routine.
4. Looks Can Be Deceiving
Just because your smile looks good does not mean that your mouth is clean and healthy. The back of your teeth can be filled with bacteria and plaque, since they are out of view. Your molars and back teeth are also a bit out of reach, so make sure to take extra care and to visit your dentist to make sure these parts of your mouth are well taken care of.
5. Water and Hydration are Important!
Drinking water and keeping your mouth hydrated is one of the best ways to fend off dry mouth, which could bring on a host of diseases. When your mouth is dry, your saliva is not able to do its job in cleaning our teeth and fighting off cavities. In addition, dry mouth can lead to bad breath and halitosis.
In addition to hydration for those with dry mouth, your dentist might be able to recommend saliva substitutes and other means for treating dry mouth (xersotomia).
6. Medication Can Have Effects
It has been found that certain medications can have negative effects on your mouth and teeth. Some medicine reduce salvation in your mouth, thus having less saliva to clean your mouth, thus creating dry mouth. Make sure to read the effects of your medication and to combat lack of salvation by drinking more water.
7.Semi-annual visits are HIGHLY recommended!
Most importantly, your dentists want you to make sure you visit them for a checkup twice a year. It may be a hassle, but they are the professionals who can assure you whether you are doing a good job with your oral care routine. So make sure to keep up with your routine checkups!
If you have any questions or would like some suggestions about how to care for your teeth more effectively, you can always drop us a line at (570) 346-9904 or email info@alffamilydentistry.com to speak with a dentist!